Session II
Application of Wearable robot in Rehabilitation

서울아산병원 재활의학과
전민호 교수
1994 .03 ~ 1996 .02 서울대학교 의학 석사
1980 .03 ~ 1986 .02 서울대학교 의학 학사
2009 .04 ~ 현재 울산의대 서울아산병원 교수
2008 .09 ~ 2012 .08 재활의학과장
1995 .03 ~ 1996 .02 서울아산병원 전임의
1991 .03 ~ 1995 .02 서울대병원 전공의
1989 .05 ~ 1990 .02 서울대병원 인턴
Many people who have had various neurological diseases have difficulties with reduced arm and leg function, which can restrict a person’s ability to perform everyday activities, reduce productivity, limit social activities, and lead to economic burden.
Electromechanical and robot- assisted arm training uses specialized machines to assist rehabilitation in supporting shoulder, elbow, or hand movements.
And electromechanical devices can also be used to give non-ambulatory patients intensive practice (in terms of high repetitions) of complex gait cycles.
I review the effectiveness and acceptability of wearable type robotic devices in some clinical situations